Surveywall API
The Surveywall API provides a solution for publishers to include Surveys into their application/website while maintaining full control over look and feel of the Surveys.
Last updated
The Surveywall API provides a solution for publishers to include Surveys into their application/website while maintaining full control over look and feel of the Surveys.
Last updated
Eligible Placement & AdSlot Combinations
The table below shows all Placement & AdSlot Type combinations that allow you to utilize the Surveywall API integration.
Android App
Surveywall API
Surveywall API
iOS App
Surveywall API
Surveywall API
Surveywall API
Surveywall API
If you integrate the Surveywall API while using a different Placement & AdSlot combination in the ayeT-Studios dashboard, you won't be able to make correct API requests.
Before you start with the integration, make sure you:
You will find more details here:
For API Calls, all surveys matching the parameters provided will be returned and can be displayed to the user.
The Surveywall API supports both server and client-side calls.
Follow the link below to get to the detailed technical documentation.
Learn about:
Setting up callbacks
IP Whitelists
Securing callbacks using HMAC Security Hash
Testing callbacks
Click on the link below: