Currency Settings

For Offerwall

1. Log into the dashboard

2.Chose the Placement

In the central part of the screen, all of your Placements will be shown - Locate the Placement which you want to customize

3. Edit Adslot

4. Currency Setup

In the pop-up window click on "Overview".

In this section you can adjust:

  • The name of your currency(s);

  • Adjust the conversion rate;

  • Chose a minimum Offer Payout

For Rewarded Video

1. Log into the dashboard

2.Chose the Placement

In the central part of the screen, all of your Placements will be shown - Locate the Placement which you want to customize

3. Edit Adslot

Once you have located the Placement you want to customize - click on "Edit Adslot" - on the Rewarder Video Adslot of the Placement.

4. Currency Setup In the pop-up window click on "Overview".

In this section you can adjust:

  • Rewarded Video Caps (per user / device);

  • Video Volume;

  • The name of your currency(s);

  • Currency Per Completed View (optional).

Last updated